So when I started this site up back in January, 2010, I wasn’t sure how much I’d be making use of it. Well, in the 7 months since then, I’ve been finding it going a lot farther than I originally expected. It not only has kept me motivated to produce content to put up, but it ended up hitting some scalability issues for me. The overhead in adding a new video posting, and having it appear as a featured item on the front page, was starting to frustrate me (I had to edit things in 4 different places, crop images, scale them down, etc). Plus, with the quantity of videos I’ve created this year (more than I was expecting), the Films page was not scaling well with the template I was using. The page was becoming a long list since there wasn’t a lot of horizontal real estate. There were a number of other annoyances too, that I had settled with for the time being.

So this weekend, I bit the bullet and ended up upgrading the site. Now, there’s plenty of room to add new videos to, and featuring an item is a couple of clicks away. Thanks to Elegant Themes for a flexible and more polished template (it did require some hacking though for what I wanted to do). Here’s the “old” site, for posterity’s sake: